Lasagna, a beloved Italian dish, is a baked pasta layered with meat sauce, cheese,...
Fast Food
Spaghetti and meatballs is a beloved Italian-American dish that consists of spaghetti noodles topped...
Beef stew, a beloved dish enjoyed around the world, is a savory stew made...
Meatloaf, a beloved dish enjoyed around the world, is a savory loaf of ground...
The hamburger, a simple yet satisfying sandwich made with a ground beef patty, cheese,...
Steak, a cut of beef that has been seared or grilled, is a beloved...
Pie, a beloved baked good enjoyed around the world, is a pastry crust filled...
Cookies, a beloved baked good enjoyed around the world, are small, sweet treats made...
Shakes, a popular beverage enjoyed around the world, are a creamy and refreshing drink...
A sundae is a popular ice cream dessert that typically consists of a scoop...
The ice cream cone, a beloved dessert enjoyed by people of all ages, is...
French toast, a beloved breakfast dish enjoyed around the world, is a simple yet...